Accelerus - Assessment and reporting software for schools

  • General: (03) 8877 7600
  • Accelerus: (03) 8877 7654
  • Accelerus Light: (03) 8877 7676

How to Collect and Synchronise an Offline File

Shows teachers how to collect an offline file from the Accelerus database. Results can be entered into the offline file at home or at school and then synchronised to the Accelerus database whenever you are connected to the school’s network.

Software for Educators

icon-iPadAccelerus Reporting

The team at Accelerus is focused and passionate about creating education software solutions that can transform learning!
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Choose-AccelerusWhy Choose Accelerus?

Accelerus meets the needs of the Australian National Curriculum - so student assessment milestones are always relevant.
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icon-iPadXuno: School Management Software

Manage school fees, student information, attendance and more!

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Hosted-or-on-PremiseHosted or On Premise

Accelerus can be set up on a local school server or hosted on our secure Australian Microsoft Azure servers.